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当阳 醉龙 A drunk dragon from Dangyang 自号:当阳醉龙 绿衣卫士者,生性怪癖,昏昏然,醉态可掬。 乐极之事:一手握龙盅沽酒,一手握狼毫舞墨! 并志于饮尽三海五洋糟糠,醺翻三山五岳浮尘。 曾随李苦禅大师门下欧阳龙先生学画秃鹫,亦误入“中国花鸟画学院”、“中国书画学院”之门。胡抹乱涂,飘飘然,自不量力。屡次参加国际、国内、军中书画赛,偶尔弄些奖牌,竞有数页为《国际书画周》、《中南海》、《雷锋纪念馆》、《中国楚天书画艺术研究院》等多家馆藏。诸多书画作品相继成册发行于海内外,深得国家领导人及日本、新加坡、韩国、香港等国内外友人亲睐。冠以中国楚天书画艺术研究院院士、中国硬笔书法协会、北京美术协会会员。作品特邀辑入《国际美术书法界名人名作博览》、《中日现代美术通鉴》、《中国当代艺术界名人大辞典》、《中国当代艺术界名人录》等是为乐也。 某年某月某日篆于京城。 Call Myself : A drunk dragon from Dangyang. A fighter in green , eccenteic in nature , and often in drunk status. My hobby : Drinking with a cup in one hand and painting with a brush in another. My ambition is to drink up wine all over the world ,and to be intoxicated dy the Changing scene of china . I once learnt to paint vnltoures from mr. Ou Yanglong ,the favorite student of master Li Kuchan . After that ,I was enrolled in the Chinese Style painting and Calligraphy University, in turn ,I also studied in Institute Of Chinese style Flower and bird Painting. Painting after Painting ,I was self-satisfide .Having participated several contests such as International ,Nati- Onal ,National and PLA painting and calligraphy competitions ,I unexpectedly won honor for many times Actually ,some of my paintings were collected by ,,,and so on.Many painting and calligraphy products were published and issued In China or other contries ,some of them were favored by friends from Japan ,Korea, Singapore,and Hongkong ,etc.I’m now the academician of the Chu Tian Institute of Chinaese style Paiting an Calligraghy, a member of the Association of Chinese Pen Handwriting.and the Handwriting Vnion of Beijing .and yet I was advised to join In , ,etc. Someday described by myself in the Drnuk Visiting Pavilion,Beijing. A drunk dragon from Dangyang
